My Ludum Dare 52 entry, I forgot  a few things and it's definitely not polished. It has 12 levels and movement is arrow keys


-  A deceased farmer who has just died and you need to harvest all of your crops before you get sent to the next realm, every time you finish a field, 10 seconds gets added to your time in the living realm, so you need to complete each level in under 10 seconds.



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If you complete a level with one second remaining you restart the level

seems like a small bug

Hey! This game is great! Love the retro feel to it. Would like to see more levels, as it keeps replaying level 4. Keep up the awesome work!

(1 edit)

Edit: Not sure what happened, but now I'm able to play other level. Huh

Edit to the edit: I think I was just not completing level 4 fast enough, so that's why it was restarting